Important Information

SUGGESTED USE: Consume 2 gummies daily.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Food Supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications or under medical supervision, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional before use. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.

WARNING: If you are using other Zinc-containing supplements, we recommend you consult your doctor before consuming this product.


Vitamin A - Antioxidant. Promotes better, clearer skin and overall health by fighting free radicals. Essential to skin health and assists hair growth and stronger and healthier hair.

Vitamin D - Plays an integral role in skin protection and rejuvenation. Contributes to skin cell growth, repair and metabolism. Also plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles. Promotes good nail health.

Vitamin E - Supports a healthy scalp and gives your hair a strong base to aid growth by reducing oxidative stress and preserving the protective lipid layer. Known for its beauty promoting properties this vitamin has moisturising benefits that may help skin appear more youthful and less wrinkled. Promotes clearer skin.

Vitamin C - Essential for skin health. This vitamin helps to heal damaged skin and can also fend off the signs of ageing and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Promotes hair health, reduces hair loss and improves hair growth. Also offers antioxidant protection.

Vitamin B6 - Helps diminish the effects of hormonal imbalance which can lead to acne breakouts. Maintains healthy skin cells and boosts hair growth.

Vitamin B12 - Supports healthy hair, skin and nails. Promotes healthy hair growth by assisting in the production of oxygen rich red blood cells which feed hair follicles. Essential for keeping nails strong and healthy.

Biotin - Stimulates hair growth. Improves overall hair health and quality. Shown to improve nail strength and health.

Zinc - Promotes clear skin and is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Zinc builds up protein strands and strengthens hair at the roots and encourages growth. Also supports the growth of healthy nails.

Selenium - Ensures skin remains firm and protected and prevents free radical damage before premature wrinkles have a chance to form. Supports the growth of healthy hair and nails